Mark Alvarado is one of the names that represent an entire institution in the national electronic scene. Deejay forged in the main tracks of the country and of Latin America, he’s also a producer that has been signed to some of the most important dance labels and is a remixer that has managed to warm up all the tracks, breaking boundaries with each one of its tracks.
21 years of career on stage Electronica in Mexico Playing his proposal based on the roots of the House Passing by Tribal sounds with Latin touches tech house and progressive house in different clubs from all over the country and abroad, as well as in residences & mass events.
Uno de los nombres que representan toda una institucion en la escena electronica nacional.
Deejay forjado en las principales pistas del pais y de latinoamerica,productor que se ha consagrado,bajo los labels mas importantes del continente y remixer que ha logrado calentar todas las pistas,rompiendo fronteras con cada uno de sus tracks.
21 años de carrera en escena Electronica en México Tocando su propuesta basada en las raices del House Pasando por sonidos Tribales con Toques latinos tech house y progressive house en diferentes clubs de todo el pais y del extranjero, tanto como en residencias & eventos masivos.